Saturday, February 13, 2016

A new portrait

Some time back, on Facebook, my mom's cousin posted a really fun photo of herself, looking kind of rough, sitting in a bar. I just loved the photo - it had such character. So, I messaged her and asked her if I had permission to try drawing it. I started it soon after, and then I put it on hold for a long time, working on other things. Then, recently I decided I wanted to finish it so I got started again. This one has a lot of detail and was a slow process, but it was really fun to watch it unfold over time. Often when I do portraits, I don't do the whole background - or i will just do a color or mix of colors. The original photo actually shows more of the bar, and it does add a little to the picture, but I debated back and forth about whether or not I wanted to finish all the way across the photo. I decided that I wanted to just focus on her, but throw the background in to give it a little context.It was a fun piece.