Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Flashback - My fantasy phase

Okay, I will admit that these drawings are a little strange.  But, they are part of the story, so there you go.
I have a hard time remembering when I did these drawings. I am pretty sure I did them during high school. Strange how we can't remember things like this. I believe that it was shows like The Dark Crystal and The Labyrinth that inspired these.  I showed these to my kids and now they think I am weird. But, I decided one day I wanted to try drawing strange creatures. I think at one point I was going to make a story about them, but it never got further than drawing these few. So, I played around with some ideas, and this is what my mind came up with:
 I think this guy was supposed to just be a nice friendly guy, though he isn't smiling.

 This one looks worried to me. He actually reminds me of someone I know.

 This is a warrior or something.
And this is supposed to be the wise old leader. Except that recently I noticed that he has something (blood?) dripping from his mouth. I have no idea what that is supposed to be, because I have always thought of him as this kind wise creature. 

So there you go, a chance to see into my strange teen-age mind  :)

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